WMDs in Iraq. Lets be sure of what we speak. The actual Weapons of Mass Destruction that the Reagen and Bush1 administrations sold Iraq or the imaginary Weapons of Mass Deception that the GW Bush administration sold America , our Senate and the world to invade a sovereign nation that had nothing to do with 911.
Sen. Rick Santorum famously declassified papers on national TV to show a few hundred canisters of mustard gas found in Iraq. These weapons were old and decrepit. These were the same WMDs that America sold Saddam Husein with Reagen and Bush1 in charge of the executive branch.
Yellow cake from Niger, aluminum tubes , mobile biological labs were the imaginary Weapons of Mass Deception that GW Bush used to kill allot of innocent people. Remember , he is the 'compassionate conservative'.
If the goal was to spread democracy , I've always wondered if we were to use the same criteria to attack N.Korea, Cuba or Venezuela?
If the goal was to spread freedom , I've always wondered why we didn't use the same criteria with Russia , China or Sudan?
If the goal was to fight terrorism , I've always wondered why we don't use the same force in Afghanistan , Chechnya or Iran?
Opinions are one thing but facts still are stubborn. The opinion from the right ' kill 'em all and let God sort it out', the opinion from the left is ' lets negotiate'. The fact is 'oil is the core reason we are in Iraq'. All you need to do is look at where our military is posted worldwide.
If you haven't figured this out yet , I truly feel pity for you. Americans are dieing for 78.o0$ per barrel. Fact is , oil has never traded higher than current prices. What a coincidence? Really , what a coincidence since the Bush administration took over. At least other administrations tried to hide the connection to Americas interests in" little" wars. This bunch might as well hire the Goodyear blimp to fly over the Superbowl and say, " I'm going to SACRIFICE AMERICAN CHILDREN FOR THE WEALTHY".
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