Friday, July 6, 2007


I’ve written before that it was proper to impeach Bill Clinton. Not for his act, for his obstruction of justice via lying regarding his personal indiscretions. Ironically, the cheerleader of that impeachment was Newt Gingrich who at the time was having an affair of his own. The same man who served his wife with divorce papers as she lie in the hospital stricken with cancer. Remember how ‘morally outraged’ the Republicans were.

The same Democrats who declared it unfair at the time are now calling for the head of Bush for commuting the prison time of convicted Cheney aide Libby. The same Republicans who pushed for Clinton’s impeachment for obstruction are now defending Libby for the same crime.

Both parties search for any political advantage, regardless of right or wrong. In this case, both parties are hypocrites.

Clinton and Libby are both accused of the same crime. The underlying reasons were not equal. Clinton lied to cover personal immorality. Libby lied to provide political cover to the White House. He was directed to leak information. That leak exposed an active CIA agent putting her in peril and in fact one of her overseas contacts was killed shortly thereafter.

Clintons lie was personal, Libby’s was an intentional act to help sell the lie that Iraq had WMD’s. Which lie had a bigger impact on America? Which lie got the most people killed? Which lie cost 500 billion dollars and counting? Which lie destabilized a nation of 25 million people and started a civil war? Which lie poked the proverbial stick into the Middle Eastern beehive?

Republicans like to point out that Clinton pardoned Marc Rich, (a big Clinton contributor), the irony is that Scooter Libby was Marc Rich’s lawyer during his trial.

Both parties need to stop the politics and start governing.

I call this OJ justice. Those who have money or connections have a different constitution than us peons.

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