Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Amoral Minority

Jerry Falwell is dead.
I'm not going to pile on and speak ill of the dead. The man was a devout hypocrite. His grandfather was an extreme atheist, his father a bootlegger. I won't convict him for the sins of his father. I will challenge his evangelical movement.
All evangelicals use the same tactic of the Blackfoot Indians and Hitler. In order to keep unity of your base you must have a enemy. Any enemy will do. For the Blackfoot, they demonized any tribe who didn't bow to them, Hitler vilified Jews. Evangelicals are a little less discerning. They vilify, Gays, Lesbians, Progressives, Democrats, Feminist, the ACLU, People For the American Way, People who believe in evolution, people who believe the world is older than 6000 years old, people who don't believe in the Iraq war involvement, Jews, Muslims , Atheists and basically any one who do not believe as they do. In other words , the majority of mankind.
Politically , Karl Rove used this tactic to unite his base to get GW elected.
Separation of church and state is paramount to free people. Evangelicals are using the pulpit primarily to bring in money to maintain the propaganda to support the hypocrisy. Secondly, to advance political positions to increase their base and thus their ability to maintain their status as money changers. The one thing the real man named Jesus ever displayed his temper about.
Besides hiding their hypocrisy behind God they will hide behind patriotism. If you don't believe as they do, you're not a patriot.
I could be wrong but I think it was Patrick Henry who said," The first bastion of a coward is patriotism". Evangelicals want conformity, not freedom.

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