Thursday, April 19, 2007


GW's surge is doomed. It was ill conceived and will lead to more of 'whack a mole'. This is proving to be true as I write. While there were reports of increased security for a little while, it seems to be more the result of Sad'rs decision to reign in his fighters more than the false sense that the surge has provided more American forces in theater. Actually, stoploss and the extension of tours of our units is responsible for increased troop presence. Eventually the surge will result in a net increase of troops. The question is at what cost? The price will be paid by our troops. Baghdad just had 231 deaths the other day due to bombings. It brought sorrow to alot of people in that nation adding to the instability. Virginia Tech just had 32 people slaughtered by a madman. Imagine if that happened every day in America. It wouldn't be long before Americans were at each others throats.
It's hard for me to imagine that America elected an ideologue as president, the sad truth is we did. He put the ' permanent Republican majority' ahead of the good of the nation. Misled the nation into a civil war. Killed hundreds of thousands Iraqis citizens. Needlessly got 3300 Americans killed. Injured over 30,000 Americans. Spent almost a trillion dollars and cut taxes for the rich who helped him get elected.
Has GW destroyed or created more terrorists? If I ask you if some troops came into your house, arrested the Father and one of the sons, took them away with out trial or due process, tortured them and kept you in the dark for a long time of there whereabouts, what would you do? Would this encourage to help the occupiers or would this embolden you to fight the occupier? As a father I can tell you that if a power took my son away with no explanation and no due process, I would declare myself to be at a state of war against that entity. I say GW has created more terrorist and insurgents than he has destroyed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I doubt if Bush actually has any true supporters left. You might find some Republicans moving their lips up and down and mouthing suppport, but there is no fire coming from their bellies to provide hear or like to their support.